Hello! I am

Amber Flournoy.

Modern Day Marketer.

Helping parents become more available for their young children is what I do...Creating a lifetime of great family memories is who I am!

My Story. About Me.

I believe that EVERY young child deserves unlimited access to their parents!

It took the pandemic to really make me see how many hours I was missing in my children's lives. In 2020 the world changed and while it was turmoil on a global level it gave me and my family clarity. I found my purpose in life.

Before the pandemic I worked nine hour days and my husband worked 10 hour days. Add in an hour or two for commute and our children were at daycare 10-12 hours a day, five days a week. Luckily we were blessed with an amazing child care provider, but NO ONE can replace Mommy and Daddy!

In 2020 I began working from home, my husband was at home full time, and we took the children out of daycare. When I tell you, THE JOY that our babies got from being with us daily, homeschooling, and spending so much time together...I'm smiling just thinking about their faces daily.

Yes, like most kids, they missed their friends and being social but that was the state of the world at the time. However, the hands on parenting we got to do again and seeing the difference in our children was so amazing!

When our son came to us and said he was sorry about what was going on, but was happy he got to be with us every day...I KNEW my life would never be the same and I needed to do whatever I could to help other parents be unlimitedly accessible to their young children. During their building block years.

Contact Me


+1 310-340-0470

3400 Cottage Way, Ste. G2 #8028, Sacramento, CA 95828

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